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ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management System which takes the control of the whole process of raw materials from the production to the delivery. You can show that you protect the environment with the ISO 14001 Environment Management Standard. Its obligation will increase with the governmental sanctions.

WHY ISO 14001?

  • Increasing the company prestige and market share
  • Adapting to international and national laws and legislations
  • A part of social responsibility to environment
  • A good environmental control mechanism
  • Advanced motivation and consciousness for workers
  • Rational usage of natural resources
  • Protection environment and prevent the pollution
  • Gaining conscious consumers for environment
  • Being ready to emergency(earthquake,fire,flood)
  • Making easier to get permission and authority
  • Decreasing the cost caused from environmental effects
  • Increasing the company’s image


High-level structure

Revision will have the High-level structure:

  • Identical structure for all management systems
  • Using core texts and definitions same for all standards
  • Better understanding for the norms
  • More effective usage of integrated management systems

MATTERS OF ISO 14001:2015

  1. Scope
  2. The References which need to be followed
  3. Terms and definitions
  4. General status of the organization
  5. Leadership
  6. Planning
  7. Support
  8. Operation
  9. Performance evaluation
  10. Improvement
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